Gwamnan Bauchi ya nada Sabon Sakataren gwamnatin Jihar


Daga Khalifa Abdullahi Maikano

Gwamnan jihar Bauchi Sen. Bala Mohammed CON (Kauran Bauchi) ya amince da nadin Barista Ibrahim Muhammad Kashim a matsayin Sakataren Gwamnatin Bauchi.

Kadaura24 ta rawaito Wannan na kunshe ne Cikin Wata sanarwa da Mai baiwa gwamnan shawara Kan harkokin yada labarai Mukhtar Gidado ya Sanyawa hannu Kuma aka aikowa Kadaura24.

 Sanarwar tace Barista Ibrahim Muhammad Kashim yana da LL.  B, BL, LLM da Masters a Kasuwancin da Takaddun Digiri a harkokin Gudanarwa da inganta Tattalin Arziki Sannan yayi karatu a fannoni daban-daban a kasashen Ingila da Amurka.

 Ya fito daga karamar hukumar Bauchi ta jihar Malami ne a fannin shari’a, tsohon Malami ne a Jami’ar Dan Fodio ta Sakkwato, ma’aikacin gwamnati ne kuma masanin siyasa. 

Ya yi ritaya a shekarar 2015 a matsayin Darakta a Fadar Shugaban Kasa (Ofishin Harkokin Kasuwancin Jama’a) inda ya shugabanci sassa daban-daban kuma ya yi aiki a matsayin Darakta Janar.

 Bayan ritayarsa, Barista Kashim ya yi rige-rige da Kamfanin Ba da Shawararwari na Kauthar Resources Nig.Ltd kuma ya zamo Mai bada shawarwari ga kwamitocin bangarorin sufuri daban-daban na majalisun dokokin kasar guda biyu, kwamitin majalisar kan harkokin kasuwanci da ba da kyauta da kuma kungiyar masu safara a jiragen ruwa ta Najeriya.Ya kasance memba mai rijista na Kungiyar Taron Tattalin Arzikin Najeriya (NESG), ƙungiya mai zaman kanta mai zaman kanta, ya dai rike mukamai daban-daban.

Sanarwar tace mukamin ya fara aiki nan take


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